Grace and me

Grace and me is to help me see and appreciate the good things in each day and general ramblings.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fall is upon us, though the color is not as vibrant as in this photo from last October. Many of the trees have yet to begin to change color and those that have are in browns and yellows, very few reds.
The annuals in the flower boxes have been replace with deep red, yellow and white mums; flowering kale and tri-colored sage. Most of the perennials in the beds have been trimmed back while the autumn joy and anemones are just past prime.

Grace and I have been taking our walks later in the day as the mornings have been damp or rainy and rather chrisp. A little later the bright sun and fall breezes have made our walks very pleasant. Few others are walking their pups so our strolls have been uneventful.

A few late Nashville warblers have been in the red osiers, robins have been feasting on the fruit of the flowering crabs and juncos have arrived to clean up the sunflowers beneath the feeders. This afternoon a red-necked grebe was just south of Cross Village, unfortunately I doubt s/he will make it much farther south as it appeared to be ailing.

How fortunate Grace and I are to live in such a beautiful and serene area. Each day we count our blessings.............


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