Grace and me

Grace and me is to help me see and appreciate the good things in each day and general ramblings.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The outcome of yesterday's elections will result in us avoiding listening to the news in the near future. Of course, this will excite Grace as her preference is classical on XM anyway.

The new feeder I have positioned just outside my sitting room window has only attracted the regulars. I am hoping for something good, but then the year is early, the cones are abundant on the spruce trees as is the fruit on the flowering crabs.

Grace and I are enjoying the mild weather and limited sunshine of the past few days, our fall/Indian Summer. I again am going sockless or putting them on behind a closed door or Grace feels we should be going for our walk immediately. On the cold rainy days, she exhibits her intelligence by not expecting to go for a walk. But then she does not like to even go out to puddle when it is raining.

Yesterday I finally planted the three flats of panies. With all the cold rainy weather I was beginning to fear I would be planting them in the snow. How pretty and cheery their little yellow faces will look as they are exposed as the snow melts next April. Also am trying to over winter a few in their nursery packs to plant into baskets next spring for the gate.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Chilly, rainy weather has been in place since the beginning of October. Robins have been flocking, feeding in various berry trees in town. Juncos have arrived, feeding beneath the feeders.

We've had our first snow, though it melted within 24 hours.

Today was a balmy 52°, ideal for raking the remainder of the leaves and disposing of the spent mums.

Grace spent much of the day running madly around the yard, getting much needed exercise since walks have been short on these very chilly windy days.